There Is A Reason You Must Hate Me【電子書籍】[ John.A Sade ]

There Is A Reason You Must Hate Me【電子書籍】[ John.A Sade ] There Is A Reason You Must Hate Me【電子書籍】[ John.A Sade ] There Is A Reason You Must Hate Me【電子書籍】[ John.A Sade ]

<p>Seventeen year old James feels guilty.<br /> Two days to Christmas, he sees his father push his mother down the railing to her death. He is broken, but knows he must make a choice between being right and being fair to his future.<br /> He doesn't know if it is right that he is keeping it a secret, or if it is fair to everyone including him and his sister Lydia, to let it out.</p> <p>This narration tells the story of how a young man's family and life came to change right under his nose, and how the changes that came with it left everybody around him wounded. He is left to keep secrets he is not sure he can bear.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:106円
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